10 Questions To Ask Yourself To Avoid Impulse Purchases

With the barrage of sales (each one professing to better than the last), it can be easy to get carried away and impulsively press “buy now”. I love a good deal as much as the next, but I’ve found that panic shopping often turns into remorse, with the dreaded question of “why the hell did I buy that?” quickly following. To keep myself sane and avoid impulse purchases, I ask myself these 10 questions. One follower told me she printed these out and kept them next to her computer! Bookmark, screen shot, needlepoint it… do whatever you need to do! Enjoy. For more shopping and consignment tips & tricks, be sure to subscribe to the Thrift & Tell Newsletter and follow @thriftandtell on Instagram.

  1. Can I live without it?

  2. Do I have anything like this already in my closet?

  3. Is this really a deal? Have I seen this for a similar price elsewhere before?

  4. Is this the last size/piece or do I have time to think about it?

  5. What is the return policy? Can I buy now, think on it, and return it if need be?

  6. Will I forget about this in an hour or think about it for days?

  7. Is it really unique or if I don’t buy this can I find this exact piece or similar easily again?

  8. Would I buy this if it was full price or am I just buying it because it is a good deal?

  9. Is this easy to find second hand for significantly less?

  10. If I resell this, can I at least break even? A T&T Favorite Question :)

Finally, remember there will always be another sale. I believe in “sales karma”: if you miss out on certain piece it means it wasn’t meant to be. Be patient and the right things will come to you . xx